Fueling Change: Helping Forest Communities with Gujarat Boilers
In the dense forests of the Cauvery-MM Hills Wildlife Sanctuaries in Karnataka, wildlife species and local communities depend on natural resources like firewood for survival!
In support of wildlife conservation and habitats, we save kilotons of firewood and carbon emissions by distributing Gujarat Boilers (GBs) and LPG to the families of Karnataka.
Understanding Wildlife Corridors
Once, India's landscape boasted vast stretches of interconnected forests. Today, human activities like habitat degradation and development have fragmented these forests, breaking up crucial Wildlife Corridors.
These corridors act as vital bridges for large wildlife populations, including Tigers (Panthera tigris), Leopards (Panthera pardus), Asian elephants (Elephas maximus), and more such magnificent creatures, allowing them to move through larger jungles, stay healthy, and contribute to the ecosystem.
This film explores the fundamentals of wildlife corridors and showcases our efforts to protect these essential passages in Karnataka.
Meet the Otters of Cauvery River, Karnataka
In the mystical waters of the Cauvery River, Karnataka otters play a critical role in maintaining the ecosystem.
These agile mammals are known for their social bonds and intricate grooming rituals.
Along Karnataka's riverbanks, otters control fish populations and support vegetation growth.
Yet, pollution and habitat destruction threaten this balance.
Discover the magical life of these guardians in this film and let's protect their sacred homes.
Celebrating 5 Years of the
Nature Information Centre (NIC)
July 5th 2023 marked 5 years of running at the Holématthi Nature Information Centre (NIC). We are delighted to have been able to empower over 15,000+ visitors across multiple fields, including students and school teachers.
In collaboration with Evanescence Studios, here is a short film celebrating the reach of the NIC and how it has impacted lives from various walks of life, all living close to the forests of the Cauvery-MM Hills landscape.